Clinical Herbalism

Clinical Herbalism
Photo by Lisa Hobbs / Unsplash


A clinical herbalist has a strong focus on working with people to correct underlying imbalances mentally, physically and spiritually.

Yes, we use herbs but we are also trained in drug interactions, nutrition, phytopharmacology, therapeutic dosing and how to incorporate medical research.

Traditional herbalists will focus on gathering and growing herbs then making medicines from them for their clients.

On top of this, there are many types and models of herbalism: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Western Herbalism, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic Herbalism, just to name a few.

Each has its own cultural construct, jargon, and way of interpreting the body and its functions and processes.

Confusing? Well, don’t worry – we will work together to find an approach that works for your specific needs.

As a clinical herbalist, I use medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements to create change within the body. As part of a health plan, we will collaborate on lifestyle choices that support optimum health and wellbeing.